Tuesday, 28 April 2009

The Little Whimbrel at Sker


Anonymous said...

Is that the bird The Laird of Kenfig found?

Rosenrot said...

My it is a little one isn't it

Anonymous said...

pity there was,nt a full size whimbrel next to it.

Richard G. Smith said...

As a first for the Western P I guess no-one was concerned at the time - I always thought that it was found by an American resident here then but he didn't know what it was. In fact at the time no-one here new that a ''Little Whimbrel'' existed - I had to look it up in an Atlas of the Birds of the Western P - I also saw the next one in Cley a year later - there have been none since.

Anonymous said...

the Laird of Kenfig (LMoK) neither found or identified it,contrary to (un)popular myth.

Anonymous said...

I think that's been well established, along with any number of other of his finds, toodle pip

Anonymous said...

Norman Lavers found it. Did MCP name it?

Anonymous said...

he named Ivan.

Anonymous said...

'82 sker & '85 Cley